Quezon Wonder – Part 2: Dampalitan Beach and Borawan Beach

Coming from a refreshing swim in Puting Buhangin and a visit from Kwebang Lampas, our boatman, Mang Urong brought us next to Dampalitan Beach for around a thirty-minute ride. We brought all our stuff because he will fetch another group from Borawan. But as soon as we were approaching the island, the sky became cloudy.


The refreshing view from our table

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Quezon Wonder-Part 1: Puting Buhangin and Kwebang Lampas

I was amazed when I saw pictures of Puting Buhangin in Pagbilao Grande Island in Quezon. When my family rejected the idea of going back to Baguio for a Holy Week vacation, I showed them pictures of this island. Beaming with excitement, they all voted for a Quezon family beach getaway.


Puting Buhangin is radiantly beautiful from afar

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